ORANGE! what all can one think of
a color,
a fruit,
a river ( remember one in Africa )
and just one more
it is the name of the Company that I work for now.
It is a very colorful company as they are so many people in this office and it looks very lively as well unlike the one which i worked for before. it reminds me of the bangalore office.
I wish on this day that the days to come by flow like the river and not be stagent like a puddle.
I have managed to find an accomdation just around the corner about 8-10 minutes.
The accomdation is very spacious, neat and has a french window to the garden and I am not alone at home, it is a shared accomdation with 5 people and guess what all are from ORANGE.. this place looks more like a ORANGE city. :-)
I had to sign the accomdation agreement with the land lady.
other than the general terms and conditions there were loads of other terms like
1. if you loose the house key and call us for help, we charge you £20 and if you call us during night we charge £50 excluding the key making charges. :-))
2. If you dont allow the workers to enter the accomdation you would be charged £30
Just started cooking in the place now, I am somehow started to like cooking so I am not finding it as a burden rather enjoying it which is a gud sign.
have joined a club next 5 minutes walk from my house, it is called "Living well" so will get to spend some time, also have joined a cricket club and the first match is this saturday.. wow isn;t that gud.. with loads of positive energy flowing..
I am liking it.. or should I say the Mc Donalds way I m loving it. :-)
Friday, 25 April 2008
A new start to a colorful World
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Thursday, 10 April 2008
A story of one of the several peaceful souls on the planet Earth
There was this guy who wondered more often that why was he on Earth and what was he doing here, has he been sent over by the Lord by mistake to a wrong place or was it a gift for his doing in his last life, his present life was so easy going, this is how his daily routine was...
Sleep was his best friend, some call it lazziness but he used to enjoy every extra moment of sleep he can get. Although he never was out of his bed when the alarm rings, he still insists on keeping the alarm hoping to get up to the alarm bell one fine day.
Dragging himself out of the bed after a few motivational words from his soul, he gets up and gets ready, ready to spend the rest of the day also in peace.
walks to office as though he is walking in the garden.. or like a walk on the beachside, after half an hour of pleasant walk he reaches office.
after spending almost 8 hours in the office watching some video clips listening to music, chatting most the time and surprise surprise some or say little work when he gets bored of entertainment, he returns back home in the same fashion as the morning walk.
Back home time to decide which movie to watch or whatz on the sportz calender, spend the rest of the time with the laptop and go to sleep as early as 10PM.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Tuesday, 1 April 2008
last few weeks at Basildon
Another 15 days to go ! ! !
The time is nearing to bid a farewell to Basildon, the last 1 and 1/2 year I have spent was of a mixed feelings. Many happy days, some boring days, some days to cherish some to forget, whatever be it these memories are here to remain forever.
I wasn't expecting it to be the way it has been, Overall itz been a pleasant stay mainly due to Office environment which gave me enough freedom ( although there wasn;t a great deal to do from work point of view ) and also staying with Chagari made my life easier at home and not to forget the Vivid bharathi group, it made it memorable.
A new place waiting for me and a new experience to savour, hope to do something new, hope it has something new for me and something interesting.
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