Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Bangalore progressing, has the Airport ready now :-)

" The first commercial flight from the much-awaited Bengaluru International Airport is all set to take off on March 30." reports the Financial Express on 21st Feb.


It was so pleasing to hear, that atlast Bengaluru will have its own International Airport, I was seeing the news the other day on NDTV and they showed some glimpses of the International Airport, it was looking great. I can now proudly say that Bangalore's Airport is one of the World Class Airports.

After Some initial delays, BIAL ( Bengaluru International Airport ) began construction of the new Bangalore International Airport on July 02 2005.

I congragulate the Authorities for finally having made this Dream a reality.

The official Website has lot of details which you might be interested in.

The only concern for now I can think is the distance from the city but that would be taken care by the Fast Train, not sure though when it would be running though.

There is a plan for connecting NH7 and Airport with separate 2 Lane to make it easier. I hope these things come up soon to make it a good experience to get back home from the Airport.

I am now starting to dream about the METRO as well, how the load on the roads would be reduced when METRO becomes a reality, may be 3-4 years down the line.

http://www.bmrc.co.in has some useful info on the progress of Bangalore Metro.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm glad this airport is finally coming up too. Took some time coming but here it is.

Caption of the time

“Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.”