Monday 25 February 2008

Are we going away from our languague...

As I last remember I was made to study Kannada / Telugu probably when I was kid about a decade ago. I never had a need to keep the learning clock ticking as day to day college life and then the career none of them really needed any of our native languague, they were never made mandate and they are not now either, survival could happen without it and with just the English language and for guys like me who are abroad now, there is hardly a need. I do understand it is not just the need that drives. I did try to read kannada newspapers online but the quality isn;t great, there are not many resources online. I wouldn;t bother continuing without it being made mandate on me. I know this is the case with many of us.

Thank god I atleast use Kannada / Telugu / Hindi for all my personal conversational purpose, but wait think few years down the line, when I have almost forgotten how to read these languages. If this is case with me what would happen to our Languagues, will they just exist for the sake of existense or is there a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel.

Next question that obvious arises is can I do something for the betterment of this ?
Do I or we have time for this or are you too busy or ignorant and just continue the way it is ? time will tell.

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“Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.”