The winter is now gone and the bright summer is here.
Me and Rajitha were ready to rock the summer.
Drove to Leeds and stayed at Anil's house on Wednesday night ( 27th April 2011 ).
It was University time the next morning, went to the Bradford and submitted the project proposal, Jeff is my mentor for the Project and he was a interesting person.
Jeff is a British who is married to a American and was fun to talk to, he listened to the project proposal and gave his approval to continue my work on the Project ( IT-BPO Challenges )
After the university work was complete, we drove down to the Lake district which was really beautiful, we visited a few lakes in the afternoon and evening, spent some good time at Windermere, we went row boating and on a passenger boat for a ride. Row boats were fun and tiring.
Reached Travellodge in Borrow-in-furness, had a Pizza from the nearby Dominos. I had to login to office to do some work, because the Wi-fi was not free in the hotel, I found out that we can connect using the IPhone 3G, once connected did some work and went to bed.
Next day morning ( 29th April) we got to know of a island "Isle of walney" nearby from the hotel staff. The island was just a couple of miles from the hotel and it was a super surprise. The Island was really beautiful, there were hardly any people there and non commercial. The island was a few miles long and if we walk for 30 mintues, we would reach from the north to the south and if we walk 15 minutes we reach from east to west. We spent a lot of time playing by the beaches and walking along the coast.
we drove back to the lakes again and spent rest of the day there. It was time to go back home but then we thought why not give Blackpool a visit which was very nearby from here and also it was a bank holiday and we would get bored if we go back home that quickly.
We booked a B&B and drove to blackpool. The next day morning we had fun at the blackpool beach and also the rides at "Pelasure beach".
Went back to the Anil's house ( leeds ) and had a wander around the Leeds city centre and then drove back to Bristol on Sunday night.
It was a unique experience as we had gone out alone for the first time ( without friends) and also most of it was totally unplanned, we just decided which places to go the previous evenings and just had fun.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Lake District and Isle of Walney
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when I saw her
When I saw her, I did not know whethere she was the right girl for me.
But it was the face that I could just see and forget everything else.
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Sunday, 13 March 2011
Great deal of confusion
It is not the first time this thought has arised in the last few months but the thought starts here and then ends very soon with no right decision. The quicker the decision can be made, the better it is.
So the Big Question - should we be continue to live here in the UK if yes then how long OR should we be heading back home ???? ( I can always add a few more ????? ).
I am sure there are several people who are in the same state of mind as me.
so when it comes to me, I have been here over 4 years now, it was fun and it was an experience much different then the one I have had for 23 years back home. It is very exciting some days, yet a another day at times, makes you feel sad of something you are missing back home at times, makes you feel happy that you are away from things some times. The experience by no means is something of a regret, it has never been. This few years have thought me many lessons many to cherish and very few to forget.
But then all this good things would soon become boring if a decision is not taken on what is to be done at the earliest. It is said that the flowing water is the most pureset of water than the stagnant one.
It is almost decision time. It is not a decision that I have to take overnight, I have a while before I decide but the confusion makes me worry and have a few sleepless nights.
All in all a very confused mind, some day for sure we will back to where we belong but until then lets enjoy every day as it is.
I say this several times theories are controversial, yet another example for that.
They say "Be happy with what you have, have fun everyday" and at the same time
They also say "Dont become too comfortable and too content with what you have and Dont fear to Dream Big..", now you can always ask who is this "They", it can be friends, it can be "theories" from experienced and most of the time It can be my "Inner-self"
....................A Confused Mind
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debate sessions
I always used to wonder why they have debate sessions in schools / colleges.. it is not which side you choose.. it is how much you can influence the audience and more important judges.
Same theory holds good in life. for ethical reasons, we always use the topic which seems right. There is always an inner self..
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